
San Diego Robberies Highlight Need for CA Contractors Insurance

San Diego Robberies Highlight Need for CA Contractors Insurance

In San Diego, the contracting industry is experiencing a crime wave. In the last six months, police officers have responded to dozens of thefts in the industry, with some losses extending into the thousands of dollars. Construction sites are particularly ripe targets for crooks for a number of reasons. The tools used are often expensive, difficult to trace and easy to sell. In addition, many larger companies draw from a shared equipment pool, with a particular ...
Construction industry reaches five-year high

Construction industry reaches five-year high

After years of recession-related downturn, construction in the United States is looking healthier than it has in a long while.Spending on projects reached its highest level in nearly five years in November, following a strong performance in both the residential and non-residential sectors. The latter, which includes factories and gas pipelines, saw an 11 month peak, while the former has found a level that it hasn't seen since June 2008.While public outlay actually dropped, ...
Construction jobs correlated with mental distress

Construction jobs correlated with mental distress

Contracting is well-known as a field during which accidents and harm are possible, and with good reason: the 11 million workers in the industry show a higher rate of workplace related injuries and of muscle and skeletal pain. The nature of working in a demanding and fast-paced environment can lend itself to these sorts of problems. Non-physical issues, however, are less discussed and could very well be just as important to the overall health ...
Poor contractor performance costs Navy upwards of $20 million

Poor contractor performance costs Navy upwards of $20 million

Sailors aboard the USS George Washington had been at sea for a month when they finally reached Brisbane, Australia. While they were no doubt excited to enjoy themselves on dry land, they were stuck onboard for six hours while a contractor, Glenn Defense Marine Asia, hunted for a runway.  This wasn't an isolated incident for the beleaguered company. Earlier this year, it was dressed down by the Philippine Senate for dumping untreated sewage from Navy ship ...
Shady contractors prey on tornado-ravaged towns

Shady contractors prey on tornado-ravaged towns

When last month's tornadoes tore through the Midwest, Indiana residents were left to deal with the fallout of damaged homes. Donations poured in to help affected families, and volunteers around the state pitched in to provide assistance. One group, however, has recently arrived with intentions that are anything but charitable: unscrupulous contractors.  Signs are popping up all over the place advertising their services, and some are even directly approaching homeowners and peddling their shady services. ...
California man ordered to pay millions for contractor insurance fraud

California man ordered to pay millions for contractor insurance fraud

When it comes to getting insurance, fraud doesn't pay. Richard Lopez Escamilla Jr. found that out in a big way. The Fresno, California contractor was ordered to pay over 4 million dollars in fines, according to the State Department of Insurance, amidst allegations that that he lied to get lower rates. This gave him a financial and competitive advantage over honest companies, and allowed him to secure contracts he otherwise would not have been able to. ...
How do I deal with independent contractors?

How do I deal with independent contractors?

Depending on the nature of your business, you might have to deal with independent contractors. While in some ways, they function as other employees do, there are some key nuances that you should keep in mind.  The first is how exactly the worker should be classified. There are specific guidelines for what constitutes a contractor versus an employee, and you should be aware of them as you foster business relationships. If there are strict rules ...
Construction back on the rise

Construction back on the rise

The recession hit a lot of industries hard, and construction was no exception. A lot of businesses didn't survive the lean times, but for those that were able to endure the rough economic climates, there is some optimism ahead. According to the 2014 Dodge Construction Outlook, total expenditures on projects are expected to increase 9 percent to $555.3 billion in 2014, on top of the 5 percent estimated jump by the end of this year. This supports ...
Would Santa Claus be a high insurance risk?

Would Santa Claus be a high insurance risk?

He can deliver presents to all of the world's children, powered by nothing more than chocolate chip cookies and tall glasses of milk. But can Santa Claus work his special brand of magic when it comes to designing the perfect insurance policy? A recent article sought to explore the answer.  Author Matt Zollner notes the isolated nature of St. Nick's workshop. It's designated as "protection class 10", which means that should a fire break out, there isn't ...
You can build a house during the winter — here's how to do it safely

You can build a house during the winter — here's how to do it safely

Conventional wisdom used to advise contractor's not to build houses during winter months, cautioning that if a roof wouldn't be finished before the snow came, the entire project should wait until the spring. However, like so many other pieces of well-worn wisdom, it's outlived its usefulness. Not only can you build in the cold, it can have some advantages—if you're safe. To be sure, conditions are more difficult. There's less daylight and the bulky clothing workers ...