In order for your business to succeed, you need to be able to overcome obstacles. One of the biggest roadblocks that can derail a business along the path to success is the high cost of a third-party lawsuit. With general liability insurance, also known as commercial general liability, you can defend your business and safeguard your assets.

For many businesses, it’s not a matter of “if” general liability is needed to protect against a potential third-party injury or damages, it’s a matter of “when.” That’s why general liability is the cornerstone of business insurance protection. One small misstep today, and a lawsuit is sure to follow. How will your business handle a costly legal obstacle when it arises? With general liability, one small incident won’t sink the entire ship; it covers the event so you can get back to business as usual.

What General Liability Covers

General liability insurance provides a wide safety net of security, protecting your business with a variety of coverage options, including:

  • Bodily Injury Claims
  • Property damage coverage
  • Personal injury liability coverage, such as libel or slander
  • Advertising liability coverage, such as copyright infringement

A slip and fall on your business property, accidentally damaging customer property while in your care, a misspoken word about the competition, or an accidental use of a competitor’s slogan in your advertising campaign; there are many ways a third-party lawsuit could arrive at your business threshold.

General liability insurance provides coverage for the day to day risks which all businesses face, which is why it’s often the foundation for a strong business insurance defense. General liability is often paired with commercial property coverage to make up a Business Owner’s Policy (BOP), or you can create your own custom insurance coverage by combining general liability with the business insurance policies that best fit your needs.

InterWest Insurance Services listens to business owners to garner a comprehensive understanding of their daily operations in order to identify the ideal insurance coverage and risk management strategy. Many business decision makers will invest the time and resources to ensure that careful planning and sufficient coverage has been applied throughout their organizations. However, it’s important to also not overlook protecting a business from unforeseen circumstances that could undermine operations in the long run. When something does send your business off course, general liability can help get you back on track.

Get General Liabilty Insurance Today

InterWest Insurance Services helps business owners get affordable general liability insurance. We will work with you to find the right policies for your needs. We specialize in business insurance, and have access to a variety of insurance companies to provide a custom solution for your individual business within your budget. Call us today at (800) 579-6369 or fill out the form below for a free quote, and we will take care of the rest.