No matter how safely you drive, your vehicles and passengers face a real risk every time you hit the road. Auto insurance protects your autos and the people inside in the event of an accident. We offer a wide variety of coverage options to give your personal autos the right amount of protection at the right price.

Personal Auto Insurance Coverages

Most states have a minimum requirement that you carry a certain amount of auto insurance coverage in order for you to drive. In California, the minimum requirement is bodily injury liability coverage of $15,000 per person/ $30,000 per accident, as well as property damage liability coverage of $5,000 per accident. For most drivers, however, the minimum required coverage doesn’t offer enough coverage for their autos and families. That’s why we offer a variety of coverage options to protect you in the event of an accident or repair scenario.

Liability Insurance
If you are at fault in an accident, liability covers the costs for bodily injury, property damage, legal bills, medical bills, and even lost wages for the other people involved. Liability insurance is often required by law, and can protect you from high costs of an accident when you’re responsible - even if you’re sued.

When your vehicle needs repairs outside of an accident, comprehensive coverage will pay for the damage which you never saw coming. Comprehensive coverage includes damage from theft, fire, falling objects, vandalism, natural disasters, and can even pay for repairs if you hit a deer.

Collision and Comprehensive
Collision and comprehensive coverage covers repairs and replacement costs for your own autos, even if you’re responsible for the damage. Basic liability coverage covers property damage to the other driver’s vehicle if you’re at fault in an accident, but won’t cover the damage to your own vehicle. Collision covers the cost for repairs or replacement if your car crashes into an object, rolls over, or is an accident - no matter who’s at fault.

Medical Payments
When you’re involved for an accident and are injured, the last thing you want to worry about is the high cost of medical bills. Medical Payment (MedPay) covers you and your passengers if you are in an accident, even if you’re responsible. MedPay protects you when you’re injured in an accident; if you are driving your own car, someone else’s car, or even if you are a pedestrian injured in a hit-and-run.

Uninsured/ Underinsured Motorists
Not every driver on the road is adequately insured. If you are involved in an accident and the person at fault doesn’t have insurance, you could be left holding the bill for your medical care or repairs. If the other driver only has the bare minimum insurance coverage, it could fall short of your expenses. Uninsured/ underinsured motorist coverage ensures that you don’t have to pay the price for someone else’s inadequate coverage.

Get Personal Auto Insurance Today

InterWest Insurance Services offers a variety of coverage options for your personal vehicles, so you can get the right amount of coverage you need at a price you can afford. Call us today at (800) 579-6369 or complete the form below for a quote, or to speak to an auto insurance expert about the best coverage options for you, your vehicles, and your budget.