Got Questions?

We’ve got you covered with answers to the most commonly asked questions that our customer service reps receive.

How long will it take to get a quote?
The time it takes to get your quote will vary depending a few factors, such as the complexity of your business, whether or not you have had previous coverage, and your claims history. Generally speaking, a simple policy can be quoted the same day, but more complex policies may take longer.

What is the difference between an “Admitted” and “Non-Admitted” carrier?
An Admitted carrier is “backed” by the California Insurance Guarantee Association (CIGA) Fund. The Fund would cover the claim up to your policy limit or $500,000 in liability; whichever amount is lower, in the case that the carrier becomes insolvent.

A “Non-Admitted” carrier has been approved by the California Department of Insurance to operate on a “Non-Admitted” basis but is not “backed” by the CIGA Fund. Financial stability of the carrier becomes very important when they are transacting business on a “Non-Admitted” basis. This can be investigated by using companies such as A.M. Best who are in business for the sole purpose of researching insurance carriers and compiling statistical information.

One point that should be mentioned is that financial strength is not always related to the carriers Admitted or Non-Admitted status. Furthermore, there are more regulatory restrictions placed on the Admitted carrier. Some of the largest insurance companies in the world choose to transact business in California, and in all states, on a Non-Admitted basis.

What are “Loss Runs” and why do I need them?
A loss run is a report issued by your insurance carrier which shows whether or not you’ve had any claims. A favorable loss run history may get you a discount on your premium. Most carriers require a loss run. Your loss run report must be dated within 90 days of a quote request.

Is financing available?
Yes. Finance charges will apply. Depending on the carrier, you can finance your policy with a minimum down payment of 30 - 50% of your total costs.

Is InterWest Insurance Services a carrier?
We are an independent brokerage. We work for the insured (you), not the carrier.

How do I get a quote?
We try to obtain as much information as we can from you in order to determine which carriers will best fit your needs at the best price. We may need to supply several application in order to get you a quote. In many cases, we can get your quote the same day, however it may take longer to complete this process in order to find the right carrier and right price for your insurance needs.

What is “Additional Insured,” and why do I need it?
Additional insured is an endorsement which adds another person or organization to your policy. Your business may have a contractual requirement for additional insured status; it is a common requirement if you hire a sub-contractor, for example. Failing to comply with this requirement could negatively impact a claim, should one arise, or even your policy.

Can I be audited by my carrier?
Yes. Your premiums are based on the estimated numbers provided at the inception of your policy. These numbers are usually based on your past history. In order for the carrier to determine that you were charged the correct premium for the amount of your exposure, a carrier will contact you towards the end of your policy or after it has expired.

What are our hours of operation?
Monday – Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.

What states do we write business in?
Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Texas, Utah and Washington