Do You Need Special Event Insurance For Your Next Soiree?

Event planning is one of those skills that, when done right, looks effortless. Skillfully organizing a New Year’s extravaganza worthy of Gatsby means your guests are so focused on enjoying themselves, they never even notice the months of planning behind the event. Event planning is not for mere mortals. Whether you specialize in weddings, showers, corporate events, city events, or even holiday festivities on a grand scale, the effort and attention to detail required to planning a well organized party or conference, is not for the faint of heart.

In addition to coordinating a date, location, supplies, entertainment, food and vendors, there is one crucial component of event planning that can often be overlooked—a safety net.

“Let the Wild Rumpus Start.”

Even the best planned soiree can get out of hand. And it’s not always a drunken groomsman who has the potential to ruin an event that took months to coordinate; inclement weather, unexpected property damage, and even bodily injuries could strike at any minute during a special event.

If you’ve been throwing parties, events, or gatherings for any amount of time, you probably have your own examples of a good-party-gone-wrong. But here are a few more examples of the sorts of things which could disrupt, cancel, or turn your next party into a disaster, like...

...groomsman has a few too many alcoholic beverages before his big reception toast, which may explain why he thinks it’s a good idea to give this toast while standing on top of the gift table, which just so happens to be a folding card table covered in beautiful linens and pretty wrapped packages. Unfortunately, his speech is cut short when his makeshift stage wobbles and collapses - sending the well-meaning speechmaker flying into a table of guests, thousands of dollars worth of gifts crashing to the floor, and injuring another guest under the weight of his landing.

...concert in the park takes a turn for the worse when an electrical fire breaks out on stage. The structure collapses, the crowd panics and flees, and chaos ensues. The family-friendly community event has just become an utter nightmare as shrieks, screams, and sirens fill the air.

...high school reunion was painstakingly planned for months. But the event turns rowdy and rambunctious as the alcohol flows and the evening rolls on into the night. When the party is over, the amount of damage the group leaves behind is appalling. Who would have thought the chess club would have turned into such rabble rousers?

...much anticipated parade and festival need to be cancelled when an unseasonable and unexpected storm blows in. You’ve already paid the vendors in full, and purchased thousands of dollars worth of personalized decorations that can’t be returned. The event is a total loss.

The #1 Secret All Successful Special Event Pros Know

What if you could throw a wide safety net around your next party? What if you could cast a protective spell that would ensure your event (or your organization or business) wasn’t ruined by a freak fire, unexpected storm, or Teddy, the imbibed best-friend of the groom?

Here’s the secret all of the best and most successful special event pros know: you can.

Special event insurance is the protective shield you can wrap around your next party or event to ensure you aren’t faced with the steep costs of an unexpected incident.

What Does Special Event Insurance Cover?

Special event insurance covers you (or your business or organization) against claims for bodily injury or property damage which may occur during your big bash. It may even cover things like contract liability and liquor liability for the safe sale of alcohol.

You can also protect your vendors from the risks they face as concessionaires or exhibitors during your event, which will make it much easier to get the hottest entertainment and most in-demanded food truck in town to sign on with you.

Speaking of the hottest acts in town… did you know that event coverage can even include cancellation of a group or performer? If the headliner for your festival concert cancels at the last minute, you can protect yourself from a financial loss due to a non-appearance.

Unexpected weather? No problem. How about coverage that will help the show go on with tent rentals, tarps, and other necessities to move your guests out of the wind and rain so they can continue on with their festivities.

Your ultimate party planning checklist may cover everything from decorations to locations and everything in between, but you’re not a pro party planner unless you’ve got one more box checked off:

  • Protect party against damage, injury, or loss with special event insurance.

Now that you’ve got your safety net in place, the wild rumpus can truly start.*

*"Let the Wild Rumpus Start" - Max, the king of all Wild Things courtesy of Maurice Sendak’s Where the Wild Things Are

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