Professional liability provides peace-of-mind that you’re covered if a client or customer sues you for making a mistake, missing a deadline, oversight, or falling short of professional standards for your work.

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance, also known as Errors & Omissions (E&O) Insurance, protects your business against professional mistakes. No one is perfect, and occasionally a mistake can happen. Only professional liability protects you in the event a client holds you legally responsible for a service or advice you provide.

Whether you’re at fault or not, the cost of defending yourself against a professional negligence allegation can be costly. When you have professional liability coverage, your coverage may pay for the costs of lawsuits, including lawyer fees, court costs, settlements, and judgements.


Why Do I Need Errors and Omissions Insurance?

Mistakes happen. When you own a business, one small mistake can quickly turn into a large lawsuit. E&O insurance not only covers an error you might make, but also mistakes your employees or independent contractor make, as well.

One of the biggest mistakes a business can make is thinking professional error claims are covered by a general liability policy. Commercial general liability alone won’t cover lawsuits for professional negligence, contract performance disputes, or other professional liability issues.

Who Needs this Type of Insurance?

Every company messes up at some point. Some industries or professions have an even greater need for the coverage that professional liability provides, however. Architects, CPAs, Consultants, Engineers, Lawyers, Computer Consultants, Web and Graphic Designers, Personal Trainers, Construction Managers, and many others depend on the coverage E&O Insurance provides to keep their businesses running.

Get Professional Liability Insurance Today

Want professional liability coverage for your business? InterWest Insurance Services will find the business insurance solution that is right for you. We offer custom coverage for most businesses. Call us today at (800) 579-6369 or complete the form below to get a quote for your exact business insurance needs.