Life and Supplemental Health Insurance & Employer Benefits

Life insurance provides financial security for your loved ones, rather than financial uncertainty, even after you are gone. When you have life insurance coverage, your beneficiaries have a way to pay for funeral expenses, medical bills, or to pay off existing debts. Your policy benefits could help your children afford college, your spouse remain in the home you built together and ensure the continued profitability and success of a business.

Supplemental insurance provides employees cash when they need it most; when they are sick, injured, or unable to work. This cash can be used as needed to pay the out-of-pocket expenses that may not be covered by your major medical insurance including groceries, household bills, and mortgages. With healthcare costs on the rise, more Americans than ever are seeking an extra financial safety net for unexpected medical expenses.

Everyone’s financial goals are different, which is why we offer term and permanent life insurance options as well as supplemental insurance through Aflac for you and your family. As the complexities of Employee Benefits Programs increase, partnering with a knowledgeable Benefits Broker has become vitally important. Having the right resources, services and products at your fingertips, helps you hire and retain the best staff possible.


Term Life

Term life insurance provides coverage for a specific amount of time. Term is an affordable policy that can provide coverage for up to 20 years.

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Universal Life

Universal life insurance is a permanent life insurance policy that provides flexible premium options along with an investment savings component.

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Health Insurance

Supplemental insurance provides employees cash when they need it most; when they are sick, injured, or unable to work.

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Whole Life

Whole life insurance, also known as permanent life insurance, is a simplified policy that locks in premiums and death benefits for a lifetime.

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Business Life

For business owners, the right planning and policies can ensure a future of profitability and success for the business you’ve worked hard to build.

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Health Benefits

Now more than ever, a strong employee benefit plan ensures you recruit and retain top talent in your company.

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Whichever life insurance policy is right for you, planning for the future is always the right choice. Let the life insurance experts at InterWest Insurance Services help you determine the right policy for you and your future. Call us today at (800) 579-6369 to get a quote for your exact life insurance needs.