
InterWest Insurance
InterWest Insurance

InterWest Insurance's Blog

Top Summer Risks and Tips to Avoid Them

Top Summer Risks and Tips to Avoid Them

Summer is in full swing and that means pool parties, days on the lake, backyard BBQs, and magical evenings ablaze with spectacular fireworks displays. Unfortunately, summer is also the season for accidents and insurance claims to soar right alongside the temperatures. Check out our Summertime Safety Guide Infographic and keep reading to find out which of your favorite summertime activities comes with an increased risk for bodily injuries and property damage as well as tips to ...
How Life Insurance Works: A Beginners Guide

How Life Insurance Works: A Beginners Guide

Have you been putting off life insurance? It’s not easy to think about a possible future where you’re not around to care for your loved ones and provide for your family. Life insurance allows you to protect your dependents even if you’re not around to care for them. With the right policy in place, you can ensure your loved ones won’t be burdened by unexpected funeral expenses, medical bills, or mortgage debt that you leave ...
How Contractor Insurance And Bonds Help Build Your Business

How Contractor Insurance And Bonds Help Build Your Business

How are you building your construction business? Whether you prefer the time-honored practice of word-of-mouth referrals or are up to speed on the latest digital marketing techniques, don't overlook one of the most essential tools you've got available to you: contractor insurance and bonds. Not sure how an insurance policy or bonds can help put more cash in your account? Keep reading to find out. Contractor Insurance vs Contractor Bonds: What’s the Difference? Both contractor insurance and bonds ...
What Does Homeowners Insurance Cover?

What Does Homeowners Insurance Cover?

Homeowner’s insurance provides unique coverage for your home and belongings. A very comprehensive policy that offers homeowners peace of mind, there is a lot to understand about homeowner’s insurance. Keep reading to find out what kind of protection this essential coverage can provide for the things that matter most to you. What is Covered Under Homeowner’s Insurance Homeowner’s insurance is a multi-line policy, offering both liability and property coverage. If someone is hurt on your property and brings ...
5 Insurance Policies Your Business Needs To Survive

5 Insurance Policies Your Business Needs To Survive

You’ve poured your heart, soul, time, and resources into building your business. Is it protected? Commercial insurance provides the safety net that your business needs in the event of an unexpected accident, injury, or even lawsuit. Because your cash reserves are better spent on growth and expansion than legal fees or claims. Here are five insurance policies that will ensure your business stays safe and sound against nearly any catastrophe that may come your way. General Liability General liability ...
What Kind Of Contractor Insurance Do You Need?

What Kind Of Contractor Insurance Do You Need?

Choosing insurance for your contractor business can feel complicated and confusing. There is no one-size-fits-all policy that will neatly cover contractors across the industry just as no two contractor businesses are exactly alike. The kinds of policies and coverages available to contractors is almost as vast and varied as the jobs they perform and the types of business they run. But choosing the right insurance to protect your construction business doesn’t have to feel dizzying. Here ...
Who Needs Homeowners Insurance?

Who Needs Homeowners Insurance?

Do you really need insurance for your home? Homeowners' insurance is a little different than, say, auto insurance. For starters, if you own a home you’re not legally required to carry insurance on it. But there are some times when you may be required to carry coverage for your home for other reasons... and other times when it just makes good sense. Are you one of these three people who will need homeowners’ insurance? New Home ...
10 Businesses That Benefit From Outdoor Sports Insurance

10 Businesses That Benefit From Outdoor Sports Insurance

If you’ve turned your love for the great outdoors into a business, then you know the challenges that are unique to the outdoor industry. From repairing your client’s equipment to sending customers out for a lesson on equipment of your own, outdoor sports businesses face unique risks that other businesses don’t. Luckily, you can protect the outdoor business you’ve worked so hard to build with a specialized form of business insurance designed to protect your ...
What Outdoor Sports Businesses Need To Succeed In 2018

What Outdoor Sports Businesses Need To Succeed In 2018

When you’re in the outdoor industry, “business as usual” is anything but. Ski shop owners, bike repair shops, outdoor equipment retailers, guides and outfitters… every day is different in the great outdoors. The outdoor industry is risky - but for most, the rewards far outweigh the risks. Here are three things that can help your outdoor business thrive in today’s modern world, whether you’ve got your sights set on the peak of the tallest mountain, ...
10 Things Californians Should Know About Homeowners Insurance

10 Things Californians Should Know About Homeowners Insurance

If you own a home in California, there’s a good chance you’re going to need homeowners’ insurance. Recent disasters have proven that the out-of-pocket expenses of rebuilding or repairing a home can be devastating. Homeowners’ insurance is your guarantee that you won’t be left out in the cold if a disaster comes to your doorstep. Whether you’re a first-time buyer looking for coverage for a new home or you’re simply renewing the existing protection on ...