Unique businesses might have a varied recovery process

Companies can look extremely different when compared side by side. When owners are trying to fine-tune their unique organization, it is important to not neglect an insurance policy that caters to the business' daily operations - regardless of what that entails.

Location, types of customers and even the products being sold can all have major effects on how a business can function. To that same effect, a variance in any of those things can negatively impact a company. Making sure an organization can reopen its doors following an unforeseen event can be expensive and time-consuming for owners.

For example, the Ellis Island Immigration Museum remains closed following Hurricane Sandy and is likely to stay that way through 2013. According to the Associated Press, the building had severe damage to its infrastructure and is still without power. The superstorm brought water in at 8-foot-high levels, destroying boilers and electrical systems.

Spokeswoman Linda Friar explained that reopening is a multistep process. Along with regaining power, it is necessary to make sure the museum's artifacts are put back in place.

"Those artifacts survived the storm unscathed, but more than 1 million items had to be moved to storage facilities because it has been impossible to maintain the climate-controlled environment needed for their preservation," the article explained. "Those items would need to be put back in place before the museum could re-open."

In the days immediately following Hurricane Sandy, there were controlled detonations of explosives around the island as well. The park service said that the items had been kept there for the training of bomb-sniffing dogs but had been ruined by the storm and thus, needed to be destroyed.

The recovery process is hardly ever a cookie cutter-type of situation. However, commercial insurance specialists can assist business owners in finding the best insurance policy for their one-of-a-kind organization.

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