
The risks of company laptops: How technology insurance can help

The risks of company laptops: How technology insurance can help

Laptops can be convenient, but they can be equally as dangerous. Businesses that deploy laptops to employees must be able to capitalize on their benefits while alleviating their risks. They tend to have more processing power than a smartphone or a tablet so you can do more with them. This makes laptops a perfect machine to use both in an office setting and on the go. However, if an employee were to do his or ...
How to ensure the success of your disaster recovery site

How to ensure the success of your disaster recovery site

Implementing a disaster recovery system may require the construction of a specific site used to manage recovery efforts across your organization. This could be a source of information when standard systems shut down or a source of power or any other resources required to keep a company running should an incident occur that puts operations in jeopardy. Of course, simply having a recovery site might not be enough, as an article in Forbes pointed ...
Study: Injury prevention professionals in Canada are more likely to get hurt

Study: Injury prevention professionals in Canada are more likely to get hurt

Theoretically, those who practice safety and injury prevention are less likely to get hurt as a result of an accident. This should be particularly true in the workplace, which is why organizations spend time and money teaching best practices as they pertain to the safety of workers. However, in at least one instance, those who go above and beyond to protect themselves are no safer than those who don't. In fact, they are actually ...
Buying the new iPad for your business? Consider technology insurance first

Buying the new iPad for your business? Consider technology insurance first

Next month, Apple will ship the latest versions of its popular iPad device. The iPad Air is the next generation of the standard-sized tablet and the iPad Mini is receiving an upgrade from last fall's inaugural version of the down-sized device. Both contain new features and increased functionality, and each will be hot commodities in the business technology space.  According to a recent report, Apple is growing rapidly in the mobile enterprise market, which means ...
Preparing for an event in a risky climate? Better have the right insurance

Preparing for an event in a risky climate? Better have the right insurance

Organizations in California, Nevada or Arizona don't have to worry too much about snow or ice, but it's always best to prepare for any weather-related incident that could impact business.  The Northeast is getting set for an unprecedented sporting event for the region this February, as the Super Bowl—typically reserved for warm weather cities—will be played at MetLife Stadium in New Jersey. Traditionally, businesses benefit tremendously when the local stadium hosts the big game. The ...
The importance of current general contractor insurance

The importance of current general contractor insurance

Earlier this week, this blog discussed how the government shutdown could impact the construction industry. As the housing market slowly began to recover, many in the home building sector were optimistic about their own future. However, recent research shows that some workers have been leaving the field for other areas. Those who own or oversee construction and contracting firms need to remain aware of these issues. Having the right general contractor insurance in place will ...
Update your technology insurance to keep your business safe

Update your technology insurance to keep your business safe

While many might associate Halloween and pumpkin spice lattes with October, business owners are well-advised to make one other association. October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month, and 2013 marks the 10th year of the event, which is sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The DHS said in a statement on its website that cyber threats are constantly evolving, and it's critical for everyone to understand how to keep their information safe. "Cyberspace is ...
The importance of preparing for a flood

The importance of preparing for a flood

Flooding can cause a myriad of problems at your organization, given the extensive damage water can inflict on vital business tools. The biggest victim has traditionally been physical documentation. A flood in an office storeroom containing thousands of folders of documents, records or contracts can be devastating. Today, much of that risk is alleviated thanks to the conversion from paper records to digital files, but doesn't mean flooding is any less problematic.  The serious flooding ...
Simple tips to keep your business prepared for any situation

Simple tips to keep your business prepared for any situation

This blog previously discussed the situation along the New Jersey shore, and how many companies and residential areas are working to recover from the devastation. Some shops had already braced against Hurricane Sandy, and then a fire was piled on top of that. While the right California business insurance policy might not need to account for the same events, it is important that west coast companies prepare themselves well in advance. Reopening business doors after ...
Why your California business insurance should remain current

Why your California business insurance should remain current

California residents and business owners have likely been keeping themselves up-to-date on the latest information concerning the wildfire dubbed the Rim Fire. The blaze is currently listed as the fourth largest fire in the state's history and has been burning for two weeks. As of Tuesday, September 3, was 70 percent under control, according to CNN. Over Labor Day weekend though, some company leaders finally began to feel the fire's effects. Yosemite National Park had remained open ...