
What the right commercial auto insurance policy can do for your company

What the right commercial auto insurance policy can do for your company

For many small- to medium-sized business owners, a commercial auto insurance policy is generally not the first concern they have when trying to get their company up and running. Some entrepreneurs might assume that their standard, personal auto insurance will be enough should any accidents occur. However, that is a serious misunderstanding. Whether you own a contracting firm or a company that depends on deliveries, using a company car is vastly different than making personal ...

Non-Owned Auto Coverage

This month we address a subject you really need to know more about. If you are an employer and have employees that drive their cars while on company time, please read on. Employees routinely use their own vehicles in their jobs or just to run errands for their employer. Does your company have protection in case of an accident and both your worker and your company are sued? If your company has a business auto ...