
Six ways to keep hackers out

Six ways to keep hackers out

You can't guarantee the integrity of your website. Like a physical storefront, people will sometimes find ways to elude your security and get access to your information. That's why getting IT contractor insurance is an important part of staying safe. However, just like you wouldn't leave the doors to your store unlocked or your most valuable merchandise within easy purloining distance, there are ways to make sure that your digital data is as locked ...
Four ways hackers sneak into your systems — and how to defend yourself

Four ways hackers sneak into your systems — and how to defend yourself

Before the proliferation of technology, protecting your business was as simple as pulling a grate down before you left for the day. In this new digital age, things get a little bit more complicated, since criminals have more tools at their disposal to commit their misdeeds. Here are a few common weaknesses exploited by crooks — and how you can protect yourself.  Non-secure passwords: With a medium-end graphics card, a would-be intruder can run hundreds of ...