
The Benefits of Intellectual Property Insurance

The Benefits of Intellectual Property Insurance

Intellectual property is important to many businesses across a variety of industries. As intellectual property litigation continues to rise, it’s not just the largest corporations at risk for an IP lawsuit; small and mid-sized companies are particularly vulnerable to attacks on their intellectual property. What is Intellectual Property? There are four types of intellectual property that your business may use: Copyright: Original works of authorship found in tangible mediums, such as artistic and literary works, computer ...
A Small Business Owner's Guide To Intellectual Property Insurance

A Small Business Owner's Guide To Intellectual Property Insurance

Is your business protected against intellectual property theft? Intellectual property can be more valuable than your business’ building and the assets inside. Intellectual Property (IP) insurance can help you defend your patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets against intellectual property infringement. What Is Intellectual Property (IP) Insurance? An intellectual property (IP) insurance policy is designed to financially protect you in the event that you are victim of intellectual property infringement. In other words, if someone steals ...