
California Homeowners Struggle to Find Fire Insurance

California Homeowners Struggle to Find Fire Insurance

In the aftermath of the most destructive fires California has ever seen, homeowners are facing a big problem. The California Department of Insurance has received increased complaints, evidence, and feedback from consumers that homeowners’ insurance coverage in high-risk areas is increasingly difficult to obtain and unaffordable for those that need it. 1 in 3 CA Homes in High-Risk Areas There are an estimated 3.6 million Californian homes in the wildland-urban interface (WUI), of which 1 million ...
How to Choose the Right Contractors Insurance

How to Choose the Right Contractors Insurance

Ready to get to work? Contractors in California have a big job to do. After seeing the most devastating and destructive fires in its history in the fall and winter of 2017, California is now facing a season for rebuilding. There will be months and even years ahead where rebuilding California will be priority number one. California contractors, subcontractors, and artisan tradespeople interested in joining the rebuilding effort will need to prepare for the work ahead. ...
3 Things Contractors Need To Rebuild California

3 Things Contractors Need To Rebuild California

One of the most destructive wildfires in California history roared through wine country in October, killing at least 42 people and displacing thousands more when 8,400 structures succumbed to the flames. A few short months later, a rash of Southern California fires fanned by high winds and dry December conditions destroyed more than 1000 structures, spread over 300,000 acres, and caused massive evacuations. Californians up and down the state are wondering: How can we rebuild ...
7 Reasons Your Homeowners Insurance Could Be Cancelled (And What To Do About It)

7 Reasons Your Homeowners Insurance Could Be Cancelled (And What To Do About It)

Own a home? Then there’s a good chance you have homeowners insurance. Approximately 95% of homeowners are covered; most lenders require homeowners insurance as a way to protect their interest in the property. Even if you’ve paid off your home, keeping it insured is still a smart move; it generally covers structural damage, loss from theft, and shelters you against costly liability lawsuits if someone is injured on your property. And, as thousands of Californians ...
5 Questions To Ask When Selecting Insurance For Your Ski Shop

5 Questions To Ask When Selecting Insurance For Your Ski Shop

When you own a ski or snowboard shop, getting the right insurance in place is an important task. Whether you’re in the middle of peak season or you’re in the middle of planning and preparation during off-season, there’s no wrong time to make sure you have the right coverage. Before you settle on just any basic commercial liability or business owner’s policy, however, you want to make sure you’re choosing the right coverage for your ...
A Small Business Owner's Guide To Intellectual Property Insurance

A Small Business Owner's Guide To Intellectual Property Insurance

Is your business protected against intellectual property theft? Intellectual property can be more valuable than your business’ building and the assets inside. Intellectual Property (IP) insurance can help you defend your patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets against intellectual property infringement. What Is Intellectual Property (IP) Insurance? An intellectual property (IP) insurance policy is designed to financially protect you in the event that you are victim of intellectual property infringement. In other words, if someone steals ...
Is Outdoor Sports Insurance Right For Your Business?

Is Outdoor Sports Insurance Right For Your Business?

The outdoor recreation industry is thriving with profitable business models including manufacturing and sales of gear, apparel, and accessories, rentals and lessons, guided tours, and equipment repair, to name a few. The variety of business models in the outdoor recreation industry means there’s many ways to turn a profit, but there’s one thing that most businesses have in common -- the right outdoor sports insurance. Here’s what you need to know about outdoor sports insurance ...
How Festival Insurance Helps Summer Music Fests Cash In

How Festival Insurance Helps Summer Music Fests Cash In

Summer music fests are big business. In 2016, Desert Trip festival grossed more than $160 million and Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival brought in over $94 million. Even smaller gatherings are bringing in profits for both performers and organizers. But music festivals also come with a large amount of risk. For organizers to really cash in, they need to avoid Fyre-like disasters and have the right amount of festival insurance in place. In an ...
Protecting Your Business Against The Most Common Insurance Claims

Protecting Your Business Against The Most Common Insurance Claims

If you’re like most business owners you want to maximize your profits and minimize the risks you take. As your business grows you may implement certain processes to help you operate more efficiently, such as lean inventory principles or an agile approach to working with clients. One of the easiest things you can do to maximize your cash flow, however, is to be sure you’re carrying the right amount of commercial insurance for your ...
How To Risk Proof Your Bike Shop During The Summer

How To Risk Proof Your Bike Shop During The Summer

Summer season is when bike shops thrive. Longer days and warmer weather bring increased traffic and sales to your shop, but it can bring increased risks, as well. Here’s how to risk proof your bike shop this summer. Beat the Heat Summer temperatures can soar up to triple digits and that means a greater chance for heat-related illnesses and heat stroke. Your employees are outside leading skill shops, giving lessons, and hosting bike camps which means ...