
InterWest Insurance
InterWest Insurance

InterWest Insurance's Blog

Construction back on the rise

Construction back on the rise

The recession hit a lot of industries hard, and construction was no exception. A lot of businesses didn't survive the lean times, but for those that were able to endure the rough economic climates, there is some optimism ahead. According to the 2014 Dodge Construction Outlook, total expenditures on projects are expected to increase 9 percent to $555.3 billion in 2014, on top of the 5 percent estimated jump by the end of this year. This supports ...
Text attacks could force smartphone reboot

Text attacks could force smartphone reboot

Google Nexus owners might be vulnerable to an insidious sort of SMS attack.  According to reports, attackers are able to force this particular sort of smartphone offline by sending a high number of a particular sort of message. It seemingly affects all Android 4.x firmware versions on the Google Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4 and Nexus 5 devices. The issue arises if the perpetrator sends several dozen Flash SMS or instantly appearing messages. If they aren't dismissed, ...
Would Santa Claus be a high insurance risk?

Would Santa Claus be a high insurance risk?

He can deliver presents to all of the world's children, powered by nothing more than chocolate chip cookies and tall glasses of milk. But can Santa Claus work his special brand of magic when it comes to designing the perfect insurance policy? A recent article sought to explore the answer.  Author Matt Zollner notes the isolated nature of St. Nick's workshop. It's designated as "protection class 10", which means that should a fire break out, there isn't ...
Four ways hackers sneak into your systems — and how to defend yourself

Four ways hackers sneak into your systems — and how to defend yourself

Before the proliferation of technology, protecting your business was as simple as pulling a grate down before you left for the day. In this new digital age, things get a little bit more complicated, since criminals have more tools at their disposal to commit their misdeeds. Here are a few common weaknesses exploited by crooks — and how you can protect yourself.  Non-secure passwords: With a medium-end graphics card, a would-be intruder can run hundreds of ...
Government may be lacking in IT security training

Government may be lacking in IT security training

Information is the lifeblood of a wide range of businesses, and the government is no exception. Especially in these sectors, security is critical: employees need to be fully able to make sure that sensitive data is only seen by those with proper clearance. However, we might not be providing adequate IT training entrusted to that task.  A recent article in Information Week described the nature of the problem. In it, author W. Hord Tipton describes how ...
You can build a house during the winter — here's how to do it safely

You can build a house during the winter — here's how to do it safely

Conventional wisdom used to advise contractor's not to build houses during winter months, cautioning that if a roof wouldn't be finished before the snow came, the entire project should wait until the spring. However, like so many other pieces of well-worn wisdom, it's outlived its usefulness. Not only can you build in the cold, it can have some advantages—if you're safe. To be sure, conditions are more difficult. There's less daylight and the bulky clothing workers ...
Should I get contractor's liability insurance?

Should I get contractor's liability insurance?

During the time you're building a structure, it faces a different set of risks than it will after construction is complete. Between unforeseeable acts of nature—like floods and high winds—to human dangers like theft and faulty electrical wiring, there are myriad potential catastrophes from which you might want protection while you're in the construction phase. Contractor liability insurance can help make sure you're protected from dangers, from surprise fires to everyday slips and falls. It can ...
Wide range of electronics vulnerable to intrusion

Wide range of electronics vulnerable to intrusion

Technological innovation brings with it an unparalleled convenience. Tasks that would take days are the work of minutes. Conversations between people around the world can happen in real time. You can even control your television from your phone.  With that progress however, comes vulnerability. From your radio frequency id-powered bus pass to your shiny new Google Glasses, most electronic things you own are the potential target of hackers. If your device plugs into a network somewhere, ...
Technology trends moving faster than ever

Technology trends moving faster than ever

Are technology cycles moving faster these days? It certainly feels like it — there's seemingly a new and better smartphone introduced on a monthly basis. But is that merely the effect of recency bias, or is there valid information to support that notion? According to data compiled by the New York Times and MIT's Technology Review, the impact seems to be real. Consider, also, the relative increases in electricity and telephone usage, as compared with newer devices. It took ...
Survey suggests small businesses are unprepared for data loss

Survey suggests small businesses are unprepared for data loss

Last week, AVG Technologies, an Internet and mobile security company, released a survey that suggested that small businesses chronically undervalue their data. Despite the risk of information loss, small and medium businesses (SMBs) questioned didn't prioritize backing up their data. Many also were not particularly concerned with loss of mobile devices. In a lot of cases, the issue is one of implementation. While 75 percent do rely on automated backup systems, a number that indicates that they ...