
InterWest Insurance
InterWest Insurance

InterWest Insurance's Blog

Preparing for an event in a risky climate? Better have the right insurance

Preparing for an event in a risky climate? Better have the right insurance

Organizations in California, Nevada or Arizona don't have to worry too much about snow or ice, but it's always best to prepare for any weather-related incident that could impact business.  The Northeast is getting set for an unprecedented sporting event for the region this February, as the Super Bowl—typically reserved for warm weather cities—will be played at MetLife Stadium in New Jersey. Traditionally, businesses benefit tremendously when the local stadium hosts the big game. The ...
Mobile applications can help businesses prepare for a natural disaster

Mobile applications can help businesses prepare for a natural disaster

Today, just about everything we do in our lives can be assisted with mobile technology. Smartphones and tablets are just about everywhere: at home, on our commute and in the office. Developers are constantly breaking down the barriers of technology limitations and constructing solutions that can make virtually every aspect of our daily routine easier to manage.  These days, mobile applications can even help business owners prepare for natural disasters.  One of the biggest concerns of ...
Prepping future generations for the construction industry

Prepping future generations for the construction industry

Planning for the future is essential for businesses of all sizes and in any industry. For California construction companies, some have a slightly different tactic to try and garner interest in younger generations. According to the Press Democrat, 1,100 middle and high school students were able to get a first-hand experience of the daily routine of a construction worker at last week's Careers in Construction Expo at the Santa Rosa Veterans Memorial Building. Sponsored by ...
What the right commercial auto insurance policy can do for your company

What the right commercial auto insurance policy can do for your company

For many small- to medium-sized business owners, a commercial auto insurance policy is generally not the first concern they have when trying to get their company up and running. Some entrepreneurs might assume that their standard, personal auto insurance will be enough should any accidents occur. However, that is a serious misunderstanding. Whether you own a contracting firm or a company that depends on deliveries, using a company car is vastly different than making personal ...
The importance of current general contractor insurance

The importance of current general contractor insurance

Earlier this week, this blog discussed how the government shutdown could impact the construction industry. As the housing market slowly began to recover, many in the home building sector were optimistic about their own future. However, recent research shows that some workers have been leaving the field for other areas. Those who own or oversee construction and contracting firms need to remain aware of these issues. Having the right general contractor insurance in place will ...
Nevada businesses feeling the weight of the government shutdown

Nevada businesses feeling the weight of the government shutdown

Last week, this blog briefly touched on the government shutdown, and how some businesses might be feeling its effects. With the second week underway, more companies are facing a stall in daily operations and are trying to prepare for potential long-term consequences. Comprehensive Nevada business insurance policies cannot prevent a federal shutdown, but as the situation proves, entrepreneurs must be ready for any scenario. According to Bryan Wachter at the Nevada Retail Association, a prolonged shutdown could affect ...
Proving stability to your customers through uncertain circumstances

Proving stability to your customers through uncertain circumstances

Death and taxes. According to an adage, those two things are all that is certain in life. For owners of California contracting firms, being an entrepreneur brings many uncertainties. However, business insurance policies do not have to be one of them. Worrying about whether your organization can overcome a natural disaster should not be a top priority. As the recent government shutdown proves, unexpected events can have far-reaching effects. For example, the National Association of Government Contractors ...
Update your technology insurance to keep your business safe

Update your technology insurance to keep your business safe

While many might associate Halloween and pumpkin spice lattes with October, business owners are well-advised to make one other association. October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month, and 2013 marks the 10th year of the event, which is sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The DHS said in a statement on its website that cyber threats are constantly evolving, and it's critical for everyone to understand how to keep their information safe. "Cyberspace is ...
The importance of preparing for a flood

The importance of preparing for a flood

Flooding can cause a myriad of problems at your organization, given the extensive damage water can inflict on vital business tools. The biggest victim has traditionally been physical documentation. A flood in an office storeroom containing thousands of folders of documents, records or contracts can be devastating. Today, much of that risk is alleviated thanks to the conversion from paper records to digital files, but doesn't mean flooding is any less problematic.  The serious flooding ...
Why risk evaluation can prepare an organization for a potential disaster

Why risk evaluation can prepare an organization for a potential disaster

No company, regardless of its location, is impervious to the effects of a disaster. Each region has its own inclement weather, so even though a business in southern California likely won't have to worry about blizzards in the winter, residents are concerned about earthquakes, among other potential incidents prevalent in their area.  Furthermore, some business disasters have nothing to do with the weather. Theft or a loss of information can be just as detrimental to ...