
Find the right coverage as you make investments for your company

As small and medium-sized business owners, it is often good to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. No company head wants to shut down because of flooding damage, or have a month-long break as repairs are done to fix debasements from vandalism.So, why then would an owner not invest in comprehensive property insurance? Without the right policy, or combination of policies, the recent optimism being seen by business owners could once ...

Even startups and small companies cannot overlook insurance

As the economy slowly regains steam, startup businesses have become more popular. Entrepreneurs of all ages are looking to create their own companies. Even cities that have not been popular startup locations in the past are beginning to see organizations being formed.Bloomberg Businessweek explained that Detroit, New Orleans and St. Louis are just some examples of areas that are playing host to startup companies.For example, Tim Williamson told Bloomberg that after he spent most ...

As technology changes, insurance policies must keep pace

In this digital age of smartphones and tablet computers, individuals are always excited to have the latest and greatest mobile device. No one wants to be left behind when it comes to technology. Many small and medium-sized businesses are beginning to implement new systems into their daily operations, keeping the organization as current as possible. However, business insurance policies can easily be overlooked.If you take care to have the most recent cell phone, why ...

Businesses need to account for all kinds of data breaches

This blog has previously discussed the trend of businesses of all sizes becoming more reliant on the internet and other technical systems. However, as this continues, company leaders must also ensure that they are keeping necessary protection plans up-to-date as well.Digital Defense CEO Larry Hurtado explained to Fox Business that sophisticated cyber criminals are turning to social engineering attacks. In this scenario, hackers target a specific individual and try to get him or her ...

Combining policies: A comprehensive solution to your insurance needs

The same way that "two heads are better than one," sometimes small to medium-sized business owners require more than one type of insurance policy. As these companies are often in niche markets, it is critical for organization leaders to find the best coverage plans.No two businesses are identical, which is why working with commercial insurance specialists is a wise move for many owners. That way, the right policies can be found that will ensure ...

Business insurance can help solidify an owner's future

While opening any business comes with worries and concerns, small companies often face more uncertainty. This can be due in large part to financial issues, as owners could have a more difficult recovery process should anything go wrong.According to the Small Business Owner Optimism Index from the National Federal of Independent Business, small business owners are less confident than they were last month in terms of economic recovery.Specifically, the index dropped to 89.5 in ...

Regardless of when you start your business, have the right insurance

This blog has previously highlighted the struggles that business owners might experience. A  natural disaster, vandalism or even a cybersecurity issue could force a company to close its doors. Even if it is only temporary, the process of getting back on one's feet can be time consuming and costly. No matter when an individual decides to start a business, there are many things to consider.A recent study, the 2013 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, found that more than ...

Keeping small businesses healthy is important to overall economy

The Washington Post started a new blog series, written by Karen Mills, administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). In her most recent piece, Mills explained how important small companies are to the overall success of the American economy, and why it is necessary for the government to feed those organizations' needs however they can. According to Mills, the vast majority of U.S. small businesses are sole proprietorships, which are responsible for 23 million ...

With small business boom, make sure you have the right insurance

This blog has previously discussed the difficulties that small to medium-sized businesses can face when it comes to recovering from disaster. Whether a cyber attack or natural disaster occurs, the financial setback can be immense and take time to overcome.When building a business from scratch, having the right general business insurance policy is a necessity. Working with commercial insurance specialists can help owners find the best coverage options for their daily operations as well ...

How small business insurance can keep you organized

The tax deadline is quickly approaching and individuals as well as business owners must ensure that they have all necessary paperwork on hand so filing can be as simple as possible. Company heads might not be subject to fines this year, but improper filing - or lack thereof - could cause serious trouble in the future.As this blog has previously mentioned, smaller businesses often have a more difficult time recovering from financial setbacks. Natural ...