
Survey: Social Media Creates More Opportunities For Security Breaches

As technology continues to evolve, many business experts believe that the possibility of security breaches will also increase. With this in mind, companies across all industries need to ensure that they are taking the proper precautions to keep themselves protected. During November's Professional Liability Underwriting Society Conference in Chicago, 105 insurance professionals were surveyed. According to the results, 58 percent say they expect to see an increase in requests for media-liability policies to mitigate social-media ...

Commercial Insurance Specialists Help Companies Stay Current

With technology quickly evolving, businesses across multiple industries are working to keep pace, ensuring that they are as up-to-date as possible. Integrating new systems and accounting for trends like bring-your-own-device (BYOD) are just a few ways that companies are adapting. However, with changes in data storage and accessibility, the risks of security breaches are also changing, and businesses need to keep themselves protected against possible liability. A recent report from the Health Information Trust Alliance (HITRUST) ...

Stay Prepared With Business Owners Insurance

This blog has previously discussed Hurricane Sandy, and its long lasting effects on the East Coast. Business owners of all sizes had to evacuate and then take part in massive cleanup efforts, dealing with everything from flood damage to the aftermath of looters. A comprehensive business insurance policy can help reassure owners that cleanup after a natural disaster will run smoothly. Company decision-makers would be wise to partner with commercial insurance specialists to ensure that ...

Nassau Police Department Has Important Documents Exposed During Parade

In an increasingly digital age, security threats are often associated with online hackers and breaches of computer systems. However, there are still situations that involve physical product that could put a company at liable risk if they do not have proper protection in place. During Macy's annual Thanksgiving Day parade, some of the shredded papers thrown as confetti turned out to be filled with the names and Social Security numbers of New York police officers ...

Protect Your Business From Liability Long After Company Cleanup

While the super storm known as Hurricane Sandy caused severe damage along the Eastern Seaboard over a month ago, the aftermath is still being felt. As businesses continue to pick up the pieces and attempt to salvage what's left, it's important for them to keep their workers protected. Otherwise, serious legal ramifications could ensue. The Huffington Post published an article detailing how companies need to ensure that they are outfitting cleanup crews with the proper ...

Businesses Will Benefit From Workers Compensation Insurance Policies

Ideally, workers would remain healthy and never suffer from a single injury while on the job. However, that is not always the case, and businesses need to keep themselves protected to ensure that they can remain profitable through any situation. Enrique Gutierrez had to undergo multiple surgeries to repair his wrist and rotator cuff after injuries sustained from falling 10 feet at his place of employment, Merivic Inc. According to the source, Gutierrez had a ...

Atlantic City Stores Feeling Aftermath Of Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy swept across the Eastern Seaboard at the end of October, but many areas are still feeling the effects. While Northern New Jersey suffered severe damage from the super storm, with many residents and businesses being without power for weeks afterwards, Atlantic City was not as adversely affected as many Americans believed. According to The Associated Press, an online survey found that four out of 10 respondents thought that the town's boardwalk was destroyed ...

Heavy Rain Causes Minor Fooding Damage In Northern California

For the third time in less than one week, Northern California felt the wrath of an intense storm system. Powerful rains - leading to some minor flooding - drenched some areas with as much as one inch of rain per hour. Trees were also uprooted and electrical lines were knocked loose, putting tens of thousands of residents in the dark, according to officials. The Associated Press reported that flood warnings were given for the Napa ...

Data Breaches Can Cause Severe Financial Damages To A Business

Technology continues to evolve more every day, and businesses across all industries are becoming more reliant on the developing systems. It's important for companies to take the necessary precautions, ensuring that even if something like a data breach happens, they have the proper insurance coverage in place to respond to an incident. Millions of dollars in repair costs - or cleanup from fraudulent transactions - could severely hinder a technology company's daily operations and harm ...

Contractors General Liability Insurance

Construction sites pose a number of risks for laborers, who expose themselves to falls, electrical accidents and heavy machinery malfunctions, just to name a few. It's important for contractors to keep this in mind as they prepare for a job. Employees, clients and even bystanders could be involved in an accident. Furthermore, any structural mistakes made as a building is completed could put the contractor under legal risk should a claim be filed afterwards.  Businesses ...