
Technology insurance is crucial for businesses of all size

With computer systems quickly evolving, fewer companies are asking whether or not they need to implement new technologies, and more are asking themselves, why not?One major reason businesses could be hesitant is that with increased activity online, cyber criminals continue to find new ways to infiltrate systems and access personal information of customers and company employees. However, there are several precautions that organizations of all sizes can take.In addition to comprehensive and far-reaching security ...

Why California contractor insurance is a necessity for builders

With the U.S. Department of Labor releasing its most recent jobs report, the nation proved that it's continuing to work its way back to full strength. While the unemployment rate crept back to 7.9 percent, 157,000 new positions were added. Construction was one of several highlights, as 28,000 jobs were added to that sector in January.Companies in the construction industry will want to take full advantage of new opportunities, and as such, it's crucial to take ...

Employee's Facebook photos end her FMLA claim

In this digital age with technology changing every day, individuals and businesses are becoming more reliant on computers and mobile devices. Social media is also on the rise, which is something that companies should remain aware of.Advantage Health Physician Network encountered such an issue when an employee posted photos on her Facebook page that were in contradiction with her claims of being unable to work. Back in August 2009, Sara Jaszczyszyn saw her doctor ...

Energy Department hit by cyber attack, said classified info not stolen

As this blog has previously discussed, it's important in this digital age for businesses to keep themselves properly protected against online security threats. Without necessary guardrails like technology insurance, an organization could find itself under severe public scrutiny and could pay heavy financial damages in order to fully recover.The U.S. Department of Energy admitted that hackers breached 14 of its servers and 20 workstations two weeks ago. While the organization said that "no classified data was ...

California museum is ready for its closeup

When Josephine Randall, San Francisco's first superintendent of recreation, wanted to create a place where children could learn about the environment in a hands-on approach back in 1937, her only location option in Corona Heights, California, was the the city's old jail on Ocean Avenue. While the Randall Museum moved in 1951, it is set for another makeover.Scott Weiner, on the state board of supervisors, said in a statement that a $6 million grant ...

Iowa hospital possibly committed HIPAA violation with unencrypted devices

While proper security measures are crucial for businesses across all industries, the healthcare sector needs to be especially vigilant in keeping patient data safe. Even if a device goes missing and is later returned, the amount of time that it was no longer in the possession of a company, a breach has occurred.With that in mind, companies are well-advised to ensure that they have a comprehensive technology insurance policy in place. That way, should ...

Changing technology requires businesses to keep themselves up-to-date

With technology evolving at an ever-increasing pace, it's important for companies in all industries to not only keep up with new initiatives, but take care in keeping themselves protected for numerous situations. For example, with more businesses relying on computer systems - and cloud computing - there is a larger risk for data breaches. Without a comprehensive technology insurance policy, firms could pay the price if cyber criminals break through their system.The annual State ...

States strive for more detailed workers' compensation laws

Ideally, employees would never become sick or injure themselves while working. However, the unexpected can happen, and as such, it's crucial for businesses to have a comprehensive workers' compensation policy in place. Additionally, remaining up-to-date on any legal changes can keep companies protected for numerous situations.According to The Associated Press, Connecticut officials are pushing for new workers' compensation definitions, to offer better compensation for emergency responders. After the shooting at an elementary school in ...

Businesses have two weeks left to apply for Sandy Disaster Loans

New Jersey residents who were affected by Hurricane Sandy have until January 30 to apply for low-interest disaster loans from the Small Business Administration (SBA). It is also the deadline for individuals to register for disaster assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).Those who apply by January 30 could avoid a possible shortfall in rebuilding money should they find out later that the insurance policy does not cover all damages. When it comes to ...

Utah Department of Health faces second data breach in one year

Data and security breaches can be detrimental to many businesses. Not only is the company at risk to lose customers, any organization that exposes sensitive information could face heavy fines for not taking proper precautions.Even if a stolen or lost device is not used for criminal purposes, a business experiences a breach in security the moment an item is no longer in its possession. While no company owner can predict when something like this might happen, ensuring ...