
Have commercial auto insurance for all seasons

Not having personal auto insurance can be detrimental to any individual who wants to drive a car. For small to medium-sized business owners, though, not having an insurance policy that accounts for their commercial vehicles will have its own repercussions.Personal car insurance is not enough for company heads. If a driver is making a delivery or simply going on a run for a manager, it is important to have comprehensive coverage that accounts for ...

Why small businesses need to have data protection plans in place

The digital age is in full force, and it is important for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) to have necessary precautions in place to keep their data, and customers' information, safe. However, even with large corporations experiencing security breaches, smaller firms are not taking notice.A recent report from software developer Spiceworks found that of 1,000 SMB IT officials surveyed, nearly half had experienced a data loss at their company. Even though many organizations are ...

Small businesses should never underestimate the power of good insurance

Insurance policies are often thought of as things that are never necessary until you don't have it. Whether or not this is true, it is not a healthy mindset for small to medium-sized business owners to have. Comprehensive coverage should be part of the process when designing an organization's plans. Otherwise, it could be difficult - if not impossible - to recover from unforeseen events.This blog has previously discussed the long and arduous process ...

As businesses transition to virtual needs, they need to keep insurance accurate

With more companies adopting new computer systems into their daily operations - such as cloud technology and virtually stored information - it is important for owners to keep their insurance policies up-to-date as well. The same way that businesses need to occasionally adjust marketing techniques, in order to meet the changing needs of their customers, insurance coverage might need to be adjusted over time.The task does not have to be as daunting as some small or medium-sized ...

Being prepared is different than being 'used to' natural disasters

Different areas of the United States must account for different types of storms and natural disasters. While Florida braces for hurricanes, the Midwest has to buckle down for tornado season. However, for small- to medium-sized business owners, simply having an idea of what might come their way is not the same as actually preparing for it.California residents were reminded of what can happen in their area on Monday morning of this week, when a ...

Protect yourselves and your customers with technology insurance

Even with the best intentions, mistakes can happen, and it is important for businesses of all sizes to be prepared. Not only can a comprehensive business policy protect company owners, it can also protect their customers. With so many organizations becoming reliant on mobile devices and cloud technology, cyber criminals are also becoming more common. One small instance of lost consumer data could cause a business thousands of dollars in a cleanup process.In a ...

As business needs change, keep insurance up-to-date

It is unrealistic to assume that once an insurance policy is chosen for a business, that it will never need to be adjusted. Companies must evolve along with changing technologies in order to stay current and able to meet customers' needs.For example, privacy policies often need to be adjusted within a business, especially with how the organization is allowed to handle - and possibly share - customer data. James Snell, co-chair of the privacy ...

Invest in tool insurance now to avoid problems later

Apprenticeships are not thought of as being common in today's business world. However, for certain trades, they are still very useful. Carpenters and builders, individuals who are constantly working with their hands and often have expensive - and sometimes niche - tools will still take the time to train new workers.One question that could arise though, is whether or not tool insurance is still a necessity. The answer is yes. Whether an individual is an ...

Homeowner's insurance is not enough for a craft business

For business owners who operate out of their home, it is a common mistake to assume that homeowner's insurance will protect all assets associated with the company. Just because craftspeople use their house as a base for an organization, does not mean that there is one blanket policy that will cover both residential and commercial property.Let's say that you believe you have thought of everything. You have developed your manufacturing skills and fine-tuned your mind for ...

Gymnastics center finds strength after tornado devastates town

Paul Comstedt, Kip Johnson and Derek Hammeke are co-owners of Amplify Gymnastics, a youth-centered facility in Joplin, Mississippi. Comstedt explained to FOX Business that while he had never anticipated that gymnastics would be his career, he eventually realized that the power of the mentor relationships that develop between children and coaches was something he wanted to help flourish.Another unexpected event though was the tornado that ripped through Joplin in 2011. According to Comstedt, one month ...