
One year later, businesses still trying to recover from Sandy

One year later, businesses still trying to recover from Sandy

This week marks a major anniversary across the country, particularly in the Northeast. It was one year ago when Hurricane Sandy touched down on New York and New Jersey, devastating the region with unfathomable levels of damage.  Today, one year later, things are still not back to normal. In fact, a number of businesses are still looking to return to the way things used to be and are finding it difficult to get there.  Mark Pinsky, ...
Preparing for an event in a risky climate? Better have the right insurance

Preparing for an event in a risky climate? Better have the right insurance

Organizations in California, Nevada or Arizona don't have to worry too much about snow or ice, but it's always best to prepare for any weather-related incident that could impact business.  The Northeast is getting set for an unprecedented sporting event for the region this February, as the Super Bowl—typically reserved for warm weather cities—will be played at MetLife Stadium in New Jersey. Traditionally, businesses benefit tremendously when the local stadium hosts the big game. The ...
Mobile applications can help businesses prepare for a natural disaster

Mobile applications can help businesses prepare for a natural disaster

Today, just about everything we do in our lives can be assisted with mobile technology. Smartphones and tablets are just about everywhere: at home, on our commute and in the office. Developers are constantly breaking down the barriers of technology limitations and constructing solutions that can make virtually every aspect of our daily routine easier to manage.  These days, mobile applications can even help business owners prepare for natural disasters.  One of the biggest concerns of ...
Nevada businesses feeling the weight of the government shutdown

Nevada businesses feeling the weight of the government shutdown

Last week, this blog briefly touched on the government shutdown, and how some businesses might be feeling its effects. With the second week underway, more companies are facing a stall in daily operations and are trying to prepare for potential long-term consequences. Comprehensive Nevada business insurance policies cannot prevent a federal shutdown, but as the situation proves, entrepreneurs must be ready for any scenario. According to Bryan Wachter at the Nevada Retail Association, a prolonged shutdown could affect ...
Simple tips to keep your business prepared for any situation

Simple tips to keep your business prepared for any situation

This blog previously discussed the situation along the New Jersey shore, and how many companies and residential areas are working to recover from the devastation. Some shops had already braced against Hurricane Sandy, and then a fire was piled on top of that. While the right California business insurance policy might not need to account for the same events, it is important that west coast companies prepare themselves well in advance. Reopening business doors after ...
Is your business really prepared for any scenario?

Is your business really prepared for any scenario?

In the business world, cause and effect is very important. For example, if a company can create a product customers want, the effect will likely be that the organization sees positive growth. However, there are also negative aspects that entrepreneurs must remain aware of. In terms of business insurance policies, owners need to consider how various situations could affect their daily operations for the short- and long-term. Colorado business owners are feeling Mother Nature's wrath, after several ...
New Jersey shore fire devastates rebuilding businesses

New Jersey shore fire devastates rebuilding businesses

This blog has previously discussed the damages that result from severe weather, and how businesses of all sizes can be affected. Last week, many New Jersey businesses that were still recovering from last year's Hurricane Sandy were hit with another blow when a fire broke out. On Thursday afternoon, the six-alarm blaze began in a frozen custard stand on the Seaside Park portion of the boardwalk. Winds reaching 15 to 20 miles per hour helped fuel the blaze, ...
National Preparedness Month: An ideal time to review your insurance

National Preparedness Month: An ideal time to review your insurance

At the beginning of September, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced its launch of the 10th annual National Preparedness Month (NPM). According to the organization's website, NPM "is a nationwide effort encouraging individuals, families, businesses and communities to work together and take action to prepare for emergencies." The organization wants to underscore the importance of communities creating strong emergency preparedness plans for numerous situations. While the main idea is to keep residents ready for events ...
BLS: Unemployment rate falls to 7.3 percent

BLS: Unemployment rate falls to 7.3 percent

Ideally, the road to success would be a smooth one for businesses of all sizes and across every industry. However, that is rarely the case, and many entrepreneurs are aware of that fact. For true long-term success, companies must have a comprehensive general business insurance policy. Otherwise, unexpected events could be even more devastating. For example, the most recent unemployment report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed what many economists consider to be less-than adequate ...
Why your California business insurance should remain current

Why your California business insurance should remain current

California residents and business owners have likely been keeping themselves up-to-date on the latest information concerning the wildfire dubbed the Rim Fire. The blaze is currently listed as the fourth largest fire in the state's history and has been burning for two weeks. As of Tuesday, September 3, was 70 percent under control, according to CNN. Over Labor Day weekend though, some company leaders finally began to feel the fire's effects. Yosemite National Park had remained open ...