
Recovering economy underlines importance of business insurance

Running your own business is hardly easy, which is why it is important to have the right protections in place to ensure that when the unexpected does happen, you have less to worry about. With recent research showing that a recovering economy is troublesome to small business owners, not worrying about an insurance policy can be reassuring.According to the the March NFIB Index of Small Business Optimism, sales expectations dropped, along with owners' plans ...

Work with commercial insurance specialists to keep policies current

It is unrealistic to think that your personal television, music or even book choices will always stay the same. Different factors will be put into play over time, altering what you choose to watch, read and listen to. The same can be said for general business insurance policies. It will not benefit an owner, especially those of small and medium-sized companies, to think that it is a one-time process.Organizations can change over time. As ...

Weather can affect any business, any time

Small and medium-sized business owners can see their company's normal routine affected by numerous events. Some of them are expected, but others will be unforeseen. The important thing to remember though is that it is never a hindrance to be overprepared. For example, some organization heads might ask, why do I need to worry about rain? But then, Hurricane Sandy hit.The superstorm that ravaged the East Coast five months ago had long-lasting effects and pushed many ...

Find the right insurance by not undervaluing your business

No business owner opens up shop with the expectation that it one day might close. Why then, would a company head not prepare for scenarios that could force it to shut down?For example, pretend that you own a small to medium-sized business. You thought that you had accounted for every possible negative scenario that could impact your company. However, one morning, you go down to the building's basement and see that the recent rainfall ...

How insurance can help seasonal businesses during uncertain times

Following a severe weather event, the recovery process is hardly ever easy. However, if small and medium-sized business owners do not have the right property insurance in place, it can be even more difficult to reopen for customers.For example, some businesses are seasonal, or will see higher revenue during certain parts of the year. What happens if severe weather strikes? Or if a cyber criminal hacks into the computer system? With regular customers only ...

Prepare for time-consuming and expensive recoveries

No business owner ever expects to temporarily or permanently close due to unforeseen circumstances. However, nearly every company head expects to have a quick recovery should anything from a natural disaster to vandalism occur to their store front. Without the necessary preparations in place, that latter situation will be even more difficult to achieve.A comprehensive insurance policy can help business owners work toward reopening their business. This blog has previously discussed the importance of ...

Small business owners need to take care to not be left behind

No company wants to close its doors after only a few years. However, without the right preparations, business owners will find it more difficult to remain open. As technology continues to evolve, and natural disasters and other unforeseen events remain a possibility, having a comprehensive insurance policy is a necessity for small and medium-sized businesses.A recent contribution piece in Forbes examined the data, and said that a major reason smaller businesses fail is that owners ...

Invest in business insurance now to avoid hassles later

Murphy's Law states that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. When it comes to finding the proper insurance coverage for your small to medium-sized business, this saying might be a little dark, but it holds some truth to it. If company owners do not have a comprehensive policy that can account for the unexpected, then it will be much more difficult to recover after the fact.For example, when severe weather happens, business ...

Have commercial auto insurance for all seasons

Not having personal auto insurance can be detrimental to any individual who wants to drive a car. For small to medium-sized business owners, though, not having an insurance policy that accounts for their commercial vehicles will have its own repercussions.Personal car insurance is not enough for company heads. If a driver is making a delivery or simply going on a run for a manager, it is important to have comprehensive coverage that accounts for ...

Small businesses should never underestimate the power of good insurance

Insurance policies are often thought of as things that are never necessary until you don't have it. Whether or not this is true, it is not a healthy mindset for small to medium-sized business owners to have. Comprehensive coverage should be part of the process when designing an organization's plans. Otherwise, it could be difficult - if not impossible - to recover from unforeseen events.This blog has previously discussed the long and arduous process ...