
Simple, smart things to keep in mind when starting your business

California has been the destination for many aspiring individuals for centuries. If you are among the many small to medium-sized business owners who wants to start fresh in the Golden State, it is important to have an accurate idea of what life will be like and what must be done for you to have a thriving company.A recent Forbes article highlighted some key things for entrepreneurs to keep in mind to ensure that they ...

How one storm can have a lasting impact

This blog has previously discussed what business owners need to do to guarantee that even if the power goes out, their company can stay profitable. No one who runs their own organization can guarantee that a powerful storm will never impact their property, or that the business will never fall upon hard times. What is important though, is to keep a company prepared for numerous situations.Any time that a company's doors are closed will ...

Prepare for the unpredictable with the right business insurance

Arizona entrepreneurs have many factors to consider when trying to create a comprehensive business plan that will bring short- and long-term success. Stability is essential, which is why having the right Arizona business insurance policy will help build a level ground that company owners can rely on.Fox Business recently spoke with several business leaders who are still working their way back to a full recovery following Hurricane Sandy. The superstorm struck at the end ...

Strengthen your Nevada business for the long-term

Commercial property insurance should be at the top of every entrepreneur's checklist when he or she starts a company. When this necessity is overlooked—or a current policy is not updated—owners could face a long road to recovery.The tornado that swept through Moore, Oklahoma last month is one example of organizations being forced to rebuild."Dozens of businesses were damaged or destroyed by the massive Moore twister," explained a Huffington Post article. "Of these, some were ...

Do you have the right Arizona business insurance?

This blog has previously discussed how as a small to medium-sized business owner, it is beneficial to regularly review the insurance policies that you have in place. There can often be small nuances that are forgotten about, and when an unexpected event does occur, company leaders can find themselves facing financial hardships.For example, let's say that you are a landscaper who operates his own Arizona business. With summer quickly approaching, perhaps more customers are ...

National Small Business Week is perfect time to review insurance

President John F. Kennedy first declared a National Small Business Week back in 1963, and now, 50 years later, President Barack Obama declared the week of June 17 -21 to be the time to honor small business owners and their firms.It is not easy to lead a company, as this blog often discusses, because organizations of all sizes experience unforeseen events. For small to medium-sized businesses, any type of severe weather or time when the ...

Tourist-dependent businesses require the right insurance

The wildfire season has begun, with many Southwest and West Coast states feeling the heat from unpredictable blazes. For many residents, having to temporarily evacuate from their home is inconvenient, but it is not likely to cause continuous losses. Small to medium-sized business owners on the other hand have a whole other set of issues to deal with should a fire disrupt their normal operations.Take Colorado, for example, which is the latest state to ...

How power outages can affect your business

What happens when the power goes out?As a California business owner, you might not realize how important electricity can be for daily operations, or at the very least, you might not know what longstanding outages can cost your company.Through severe weather or other unforeseen events, having the right insurance policies in place that account for your business not running normally can be immensely helpful for reducing recovery costs. Several Michigan companies discovered this, when ...

Summer is an ideal time to review your insurance policies

The warmer weather often makes it easier to forget the possibility of severe weather. While summer can bring tornadoes or wildfires to some areas of the country, when the sun is shining down, it is common for business owners to be carefree.There is nothing wrong with enjoying the laid back feel June and July bring, but before company leaders become too relaxed, reviewing their current general business insurance policies is a wise move. That ...

The economy recovers, but you still need business insurance

The U.S. Department of Labor released its latest jobs report numbers, with the nation's unemployment rate rising to 7.6 percent in May. Overall, 175,000 new positions were added and 420,000 Americans joined the workforce.As a small to medium-sized business owner, you might wonder how this could affect your company. This blog has previously discussed the importance of smaller firms when it comes to the overall economy. More individuals seeking out employment is good news ...