
Wide range of electronics vulnerable to intrusion

Wide range of electronics vulnerable to intrusion

Technological innovation brings with it an unparalleled convenience. Tasks that would take days are the work of minutes. Conversations between people around the world can happen in real time. You can even control your television from your phone.  With that progress however, comes vulnerability. From your radio frequency id-powered bus pass to your shiny new Google Glasses, most electronic things you own are the potential target of hackers. If your device plugs into a network somewhere, ...
Technology trends moving faster than ever

Technology trends moving faster than ever

Are technology cycles moving faster these days? It certainly feels like it — there's seemingly a new and better smartphone introduced on a monthly basis. But is that merely the effect of recency bias, or is there valid information to support that notion? According to data compiled by the New York Times and MIT's Technology Review, the impact seems to be real. Consider, also, the relative increases in electricity and telephone usage, as compared with newer devices. It took ...
Survey suggests small businesses are unprepared for data loss

Survey suggests small businesses are unprepared for data loss

Last week, AVG Technologies, an Internet and mobile security company, released a survey that suggested that small businesses chronically undervalue their data. Despite the risk of information loss, small and medium businesses (SMBs) questioned didn't prioritize backing up their data. Many also were not particularly concerned with loss of mobile devices. In a lot of cases, the issue is one of implementation. While 75 percent do rely on automated backup systems, a number that indicates that they ...
Why a disaster recovery strategy requires more than just data backup

Why a disaster recovery strategy requires more than just data backup

One of the things businesses fear the most is a loss of important information. If the office building suffers structural damage during a storm or infrastructure is ruined because of a flood, those problems can be resolved. They are not pleasant and aren't necessarily easy to fix, but ultimately infrastructure, carpeting or office furniture can be replaced. Business data, on the other hand, may never be replaced. So, when companies consider disaster recovery plans pertaining to ...
Keeping your data safe when working with a third-party service provider

Keeping your data safe when working with a third-party service provider

It doesn't take much for an organization's data to be breached if if isn't careful. Both internal and external forces could compromise the security of a company's information and businesses have to be cognizant of both, particularly when information is in the hands of a combination of the two. Working with outside service providers  can be an efficient and cost-effective way to do business. Not only can organizations receive the skilled assistance provided by those ...
The risks of company laptops: How technology insurance can help

The risks of company laptops: How technology insurance can help

Laptops can be convenient, but they can be equally as dangerous. Businesses that deploy laptops to employees must be able to capitalize on their benefits while alleviating their risks. They tend to have more processing power than a smartphone or a tablet so you can do more with them. This makes laptops a perfect machine to use both in an office setting and on the go. However, if an employee were to do his or ...
Why older technology systems could put organizations at greater risk

Why older technology systems could put organizations at greater risk

The idea of adopting the latest technology at your organization is always going to be tempting. Anyone who watched Apple unveil its latest iPad and Mac Pro last month knows how cool the latest gadgets look, which is why many organizations have at least thought about evaluating new tech vendors and adopting innovative products and services. However, in an uncertain economy, procuring Mac Pros and deploying iPad Airs to all employees  may seem like ...
Buying the new iPad for your business? Consider technology insurance first

Buying the new iPad for your business? Consider technology insurance first

Next month, Apple will ship the latest versions of its popular iPad device. The iPad Air is the next generation of the standard-sized tablet and the iPad Mini is receiving an upgrade from last fall's inaugural version of the down-sized device. Both contain new features and increased functionality, and each will be hot commodities in the business technology space.  According to a recent report, Apple is growing rapidly in the mobile enterprise market, which means ...
Update your technology insurance to keep your business safe

Update your technology insurance to keep your business safe

While many might associate Halloween and pumpkin spice lattes with October, business owners are well-advised to make one other association. October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month, and 2013 marks the 10th year of the event, which is sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The DHS said in a statement on its website that cyber threats are constantly evolving, and it's critical for everyone to understand how to keep their information safe. "Cyberspace is ...
The importance of preparing for a flood

The importance of preparing for a flood

Flooding can cause a myriad of problems at your organization, given the extensive damage water can inflict on vital business tools. The biggest victim has traditionally been physical documentation. A flood in an office storeroom containing thousands of folders of documents, records or contracts can be devastating. Today, much of that risk is alleviated thanks to the conversion from paper records to digital files, but doesn't mean flooding is any less problematic.  The serious flooding ...