
Why technology insurance should be part of your recovery plan

This blog recently discussed the importance of business owners keeping their information protected as they start to incorporate cloud technology into daily operations. While a digital aspect can keep companies up to date on the most efficient ways to run an organization, they can also expose owners to unforeseen risk.Whether a cyber criminal hacks into the computer system or an employee knowingly exposes sensitive company data, any type of data breach can be devastating ...

Keep your business protected as you move to the cloud

As technology evolves, more companies are becoming increasingly reliant on digital innovations. This blog has previously discussed the importance of training employees on best practices to keep sensitive data protected, but exactly how important is it to be wary of online threats?Small to medium-sized business owners cannot have the mindset that cyber criminals will not care about their organization. Recent research shows that cloud computing has become an exceedingly common business trend, and experts believe ...

Pair technology insurance with thorough employee education

This blog has previously discussed business' increasing reliance on computers, the cloud and mobile devices. More companies are putting sensitive data into online storage, which gives cyber criminals a potential gold mine if they can break through the security system. However many firewalls and password protections are put in place though, small to medium-sized business owners must take a few extra steps to keep their organization safe.For example, all employees need to be given explicit ...

Keep confident with strong Nevada business insurance

Small business owners across the country have no doubt been feeling the effects of a struggling economy. There are many things to consider when starting a business and there are other factors to keep in mind as the company starts to thrive. Additionally, the organization's location could affect what type of insurance policies an owner purchases.For Nevada business owners, working with commercial insurance specialists who understand the area can be beneficial in helping them choose ...

Arizona business insurance can help when loans are not enough

As a small to medium-sized business owner in Arizona, watching the news about tornado damage in Oklahoma or New Jersey from Hurricane Sandy, it could be easy to think, "That will never happen to me." While the exact same type of storm might not occur, there is still an important lesson to be learned. Should an unexpected event happen, and you do not have a comprehensive Arizona business insurance policy, the recovery process could ...

Niche companies can still benefit from Nevada business insurance

No matter how small or niche a business might be, there is a business insurance policy - or set of policies - that can protect the company through numerous situations.For example, a company's daily operations could be devastated if tools that are regularly used are either damaged or stolen. Or, what if a customer falls and then injures himself on the business' property? Having the necessary Nevada general liability insurance policy can help an ...

No organization can overlook technology insurance

As technology continues to evolve, more businesses - of all sizes and across all industries - are becoming more reliant on computers and other mobile devices. This is one reason why company leaders need to have a strong insurance policy in place that accounts for data breaches. With sensitive information being stored online, hackers can do much damage when they are able to access a certain system.Without properly educating employees, and having the necessary coverages ...

How to maintain longevity with your Arizona business

For small to medium-sized business owners in Arizona, it can be a small - yet costly - mistake to not have updated insurance. With recent research showing that the state is experiencing positive growth for smaller firms, it is important that company leaders do everything in their power to keep that trend going.Regardless of how niche your organization might be, commercial insurance specialists can help you find the most comprehensive Arizona business insurance policy. ...

Do I really need Nevada liability insurance?

For small and medium-sized businesses operating in Nevada, they will naturally experience different things than an East Coast-based company on a daily basis. With that in mind, Nevadan entrepreneurs need to find an insurance policy that is just as unique as their niche organization.While some owners might question whether they actually need certain things like commercial property insurance, it is better to take the time and find the right policies than deal with the ...

Pair high tech insurance with strong cyber security

This blog has previously explained why small and medium-sized businesses need to remain especially diligent in an increasingly digital world. Regardless of a company's size, it is essential to have strong protections in place to prevent cyber criminals from accessing sensitive information, such as customers' personal data.If recent events are any indication, all types of organizations could fall prey to an online attack, and the recovery process could be expensive and time-consuming.LivingSocial, the popular website ...