
With the rise of BYOD, businesses need to take precautions against data breaches

As businesses work toward integrating new systems and innovations into their daily operations, it is very easy to overlook creating precautions against security issues. However, with more companies using bring-your-own-device (BYOD) strategies, for example, the threats of data breaches are increasing.A comprehensive technology insurance policy can be beneficial for any organization. With sensitive information being stored on smartphones, tablets or laptops, companies run the risk of a security breach should an employee lose the ...

Technology insurance is crucial for businesses of all size

With computer systems quickly evolving, fewer companies are asking whether or not they need to implement new technologies, and more are asking themselves, why not?One major reason businesses could be hesitant is that with increased activity online, cyber criminals continue to find new ways to infiltrate systems and access personal information of customers and company employees. However, there are several precautions that organizations of all sizes can take.In addition to comprehensive and far-reaching security ...

Energy Department hit by cyber attack, said classified info not stolen

As this blog has previously discussed, it's important in this digital age for businesses to keep themselves properly protected against online security threats. Without necessary guardrails like technology insurance, an organization could find itself under severe public scrutiny and could pay heavy financial damages in order to fully recover.The U.S. Department of Energy admitted that hackers breached 14 of its servers and 20 workstations two weeks ago. While the organization said that "no classified data was ...

Iowa hospital possibly committed HIPAA violation with unencrypted devices

While proper security measures are crucial for businesses across all industries, the healthcare sector needs to be especially vigilant in keeping patient data safe. Even if a device goes missing and is later returned, the amount of time that it was no longer in the possession of a company, a breach has occurred.With that in mind, companies are well-advised to ensure that they have a comprehensive technology insurance policy in place. That way, should ...

Changing technology requires businesses to keep themselves up-to-date

With technology evolving at an ever-increasing pace, it's important for companies in all industries to not only keep up with new initiatives, but take care in keeping themselves protected for numerous situations. For example, with more businesses relying on computer systems - and cloud computing - there is a larger risk for data breaches. Without a comprehensive technology insurance policy, firms could pay the price if cyber criminals break through their system.The annual State ...

Utah Department of Health faces second data breach in one year

Data and security breaches can be detrimental to many businesses. Not only is the company at risk to lose customers, any organization that exposes sensitive information could face heavy fines for not taking proper precautions.Even if a stolen or lost device is not used for criminal purposes, a business experiences a breach in security the moment an item is no longer in its possession. While no company owner can predict when something like this might happen, ensuring ...

Vermont fish hatchery finishing up final repairs after Tropical Storm Irene

When Tropical Storm Irene slammed the East Coast in August 2011, many businesses were brought face-to-face with Mother Nature's wrath. For the national fish hatchery in Bethel, Vermont, the road to recovery has been a long one and the journey is just now finally ending.According to the Associated Press, the White River overflowed from excessive rains during Irene. Communities and major roadways were flooded. The fish hatchery had extreme damages, with floodwaters sweeping into ...

Minnesota DNR employee accessed private records, 5,000 individuals notified

Minnesota is the latest state to suffer from a massive security breach. However, instead of an outsider hacking sensitive data, a company employee allegedly accessed the information of 5,000 individuals.According to the Associated Press, the Department of Natural Resources had a data breach when an employee retrieved driving and motor vehicle records. Journalists, attorneys, government employees and possibly state legislatures are all on the list of individuals who had their information read.DNR spokesman Chris ...

East Coast animal shelters still recovering from Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy wreaked havoc along the Eastern Seaboard months ago, but many residents and local businesses are still feeling the pain of rebuilding and recovery. Natural disasters are not only unpredictable, but they can be extremely expensive when it comes to repairing sustained damages. New Jersey and New York residents are still recovering from the superstorm. According to the Associated Press, Toms River - a New Jersey town - had just 60 of 2,600 homes ...

Omnicell data breach affects thousands more than originally believed

No company wants to be liable for its customers or employees having personal information exposed. With technology evolving at an increasingly fast pace, many businesses are working to keep their systems as up-to-date as possible. Organizations across all industries would be wise to partner with commercial insurance specialists to guarantee that their technology insurance accounts for the possibility of a data breach. An incident involving hospital management vendor Omnicell is a recent example of security ...