
Why risk evaluation can prepare an organization for a potential disaster

Why risk evaluation can prepare an organization for a potential disaster

No company, regardless of its location, is impervious to the effects of a disaster. Each region has its own inclement weather, so even though a business in southern California likely won't have to worry about blizzards in the winter, residents are concerned about earthquakes, among other potential incidents prevalent in their area.  Furthermore, some business disasters have nothing to do with the weather. Theft or a loss of information can be just as detrimental to ...
Workplace accident showcases importance of California business insurance

Workplace accident showcases importance of California business insurance

Workplace accidents can happen in any industry across the country, and business managers must ensure they are equipped with the right insurance solutions to mitigate any challenges that could arise from an unforeseen incident. This is particularly true in industrial organizations, where the natural environment may present more physical risks than a standard office setting. If risks are not properly managed, the financial consequences could be dire.  For example, a Maine man recently received a ...
Human error underscores need for strong technology insurance

Human error underscores need for strong technology insurance

To err might be human, but not having the right technology insurance in place is one error no business ever wants to make. With more companies becoming reliant on technology, it is increasingly important for those organizations to invest in comprehensive policies. Whether a data breach occurs from human error or from an outside source, a business needs to be able to recover quickly to reassure customers and resume daily operations. Minnesota's new online health insurance exchange ...
Avoid excessive business costs with the right insurance policy

Avoid excessive business costs with the right insurance policy

Cutting costs does not have to mean cutting corners in the business world. Those who run their own company can stay cost-effective while still putting their best foot forward in their respective industry. A recent Business 2 Community contribution piece suggested several simple ways for businesses to cut costs. One strategy is implementing digital alternatives whenever possible. For example, entrepreneurs can use online banking for bill payments, to ensure that a due date is never missed.  "You ...
Why all industries must be educated on technology insurance

Why all industries must be educated on technology insurance

Technology insurance is a policy that might not be considered by business owners until it is too late. However, research shows that data breaches not only affect all types of companies, but they are not always related to the newest innovations. Verizon's 2013 Data Breach Investigations Report showed that a majority of security issues in the last year happened with point-of-sale devices. Breaches from database servers, backup tapes and documents were much rarer. According to the ...
Ensure that your Nevada business continues to thrive

Ensure that your Nevada business continues to thrive

As many small- to medium-sized business owners in Nevada know, the state is much more than casinos and the bright lights of Las Vegas. Companies in numerous industries operate there and business owners work hard to guarantee themselves and their employees long-term success. That is why having the right Nevada business insurance policy — or even set of policies — is so important. Everything from severe weather to acts of vandalism can impact an organization, and recovery times can vary. ...
Why small business owners shouldn't shy away from technology

Why small business owners shouldn't shy away from technology

Small to medium-sized business owners might not have the same resources as large corporations to allocate funds to technological innovations. However, this does not mean that these organizations need to completely avoid everything from bring-your-own-device strategies to the internet itself. With comprehensive technology insurance, entrepreneurs can implement new systems without having to worry about the aftermath of a potential data breach. Recent research shows that some owners are hesitant to implement new technology, but strong coverage ...

Do I really need technology insurance?

Many individuals will likely think of a "data breach" happening when computer hackers break through an online system. While this is true, a breach is also considered to have taken place anytime sensitive information is no longer controlled by a company.For business owners, either type of data breach could be costly. A Vermont medical facility is currently experiencing the aftermath of such a situation. Caledonia Home Health and Hospice had to alert patients earlier ...

Current small business growth underscores need for comprehensive insurance

Choosing the right California business insurance policy, or set of policies, is hardly the first thing that entrepreneurs consider when they are looking to start their own company. However, with recent research showing that small business hiring is improving, owners should take the necessary steps to ensure the long-term success of their organization.According to ADP data, businesses with fewer than 50 employees added 82,000 jobs in July and 85,000 the month before. Additionally, smaller ...

Keep your insurance policies current as technology evolves

As a small to medium-sized business owner in California, it is probably extremely apparent that technology is quickly evolving. Silicon Valley is filled with startups, and entrepreneurs across the country flock to the Golden State in an attempt to get their company up and running. Whether a firm is established or just beginning, it is necessary to think about the long-term, and not just immediate goals.For example, many company leaders are aware of how ...