
Why a strong recovery plan requires business insurance

Small business owners have numerous things to think about on a daily basis, but it is also crucial that they plan for the long-term. A failure to do so could mean that the company permanently closes its doors much sooner than expected.A Forbes contribution piece highlighted several tips for business owners to follow in preparation for a disaster. For starters, it is a good idea to prepare for power outages. This blog has previously ...

FEMA: Over one-third of small businesses do not reopen after a disaster

How protected is your small to medium-sized business? In the case of flooding, being located on higher ground might be helpful, but on the off chance that water breaks through, does your commercial property insurance account for such an event? Company owners likely want their firm to be successful for several years, perhaps even decades. To ensure this, the right business insurance policy—or set of policies—needs to be purchased. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency ...

Keeping your business protected while the economy recovers

The Bureau of Labor Statistics released the nation's job report for June, showing that the U.S. economy is continuing its slow recovery. While the unemployment rate stayed steady at 7.6 percent, there were also 195,000 jobs added.Smaller businesses, or even highly niche companies, might not find their organization in one of the many sectors listed as adding or not adding positions. Even so, this does not mean that the jobs report should be considered ...

California releases first state-wide data breach report

As a California business owner, it is very likely that you are somehow connected to the internet. Your company probably has a website and you might even be using cloud computing to store important data such as customer information or even your own financial records. Data breaches are becoming increasingly common, which is why you need to find the right technology insurance for your organization.  When checking your California business insurance policies, this aspect cannot ...

Keep business insurance part of your recovery plan

Having a general business insurance policy is a necessity for any organization, but it is especially vital for small to medium-sized companies to have one in place. Smaller firms might not be able to bounce back as quickly as larger ones when disaster strikes. No owner wants to dip into savings or take out a mass amount of loans to repair property damage, but without the right commercial property insurance, those could be the only ...

Data breaches affect businesses of any size, in any industry

Small to medium-sized business owners cannot afford to think that they will never encounter a data breach. With more companies relying on computers and other forms of mobile technology, organizations across numerous industries are more connected—and possibly accessible—than ever before.While this blog previously discussed how two-thirds of data breaches were caused by human error or system glitches, businesses must keep their information and that of their customers safe. The recovery process following a loss of ...

Coney Island continues to rebuild

For some, it might seem like Hurricane Sandy swept across the Eastern Seaboard ages ago. In reality, it was just seven months ago that businesses and residents were devastated by damages from flooding, heavy winds and long-standing power outages. Company leaders who rely on seasonal income were especially nervous about their recovery process, as summer means customers. If there is nowhere for people to go, how can owners make money?That was a common question ...

How to guarantee that your business survives a natural disaster

Depending on where a small to medium-sized business is located, its owners will have varied insurance policies. Companies in Maine will likely not have the same things covered as in a California business insurance policy. One of the reasons for this is that different areas of the United States will experience different types of weather.Regardless of an organization's location, being able to survive—and bounce back from—a natural disaster is essential. According to a contribution ...

Prevent debt from being part of your recovery process

No business owner can predict severe weather, let alone how a storm will affect his or her company. What is even more unforeseen though, is how long the recovery process could take. Organizations that do not have a general business insurance policy, or have coverages that do not account for all aspects of the company, could face a difficult recovery.Owners who do not have commercial property insurance could be forced to pay for expenses ...

Errors happen, technology insurance is needed

"Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong."While Murphy's Law might be an extreme scenario, it is a mindset that small to medium-sized business owners should still prepare for. Running a company is not necessarily always riddled with mishaps and unforeseen events, but assuming that nothing will ever happen can be extremely costly in the long-run.This example can be seen when it comes to data breaches. Without the right technology insurance and types of ...